En Conversation avec Moi – Humility

Me: Hey Ash, hows the ‘lecturing on humility’ going? Love your empty platitudes!

Ash: Sorry? Who are you boss, and why the hell are you interfering in my life? And by the way, what empty platitudes? I genuinely believe in humility and try to share it with people in my immediate circle of engagement and trust.

Me: Hmmm. Big words  again. Love it. Forget who I am, just consider me as the devil’s advocate. And I will fight your cases for free.

Ash: Very funny. Again, why is my belief in humility hypocritical according to you?

Me: How did you commute to office today?

Ash: By car!

Me: Haven’t you always taken the higher moral ground and rambled incessantly about how you travel by bike everyday, people driving alone to work adds to carbon emissions, blah blah blah.

Ash: (meekly) Yaa, but.. it was raining today, my back was aching and..

Me: Wow. Self vs Environment? and didn’t you just invest in a full rain suit? Forget that, you saw so many people standing at the bus stop did you offer them a lift? And yes, your favourite whipping boy – the air conditioner, why did you switch it on even if it was for 10 mins?

Ash: (mortified) I didn’t know them. and.. i switched on the ac because…

Me: Ok chill. idea is not to embarrass you. But remember, humility, or for that matter anything you preach must be practiced first. More importantly, a person’s true character is best revealed when alone. So friends?

Ash: (smiling) Yes, friends. Loved chatting with you. But ya, the example you gave doesn’t exactly qualify under “humility”.

Me: (sheepishly) Yup, i figured that too… 🙂


About Ashish Arora (@ASShishism)

A mad, confused Corporate Aam Aaadmi...
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